The project

The Vision

Vyvi is a project aiming to achieve a sustainable society through the individual and collective flowering of human beings. A sustainable society is an inner and outer place where all living beings and the planet itself live in a deep and conscious interconnection. Through this awareness we can begin a process of collective responsibility and change, without which the survival of the natural world we know today, including the human species, is at risk.

The necessary tool that makes this change possible is awareness, a human resource which allow us to observe ourselves, events and the world from new perspectives and with wider degrees of depth and discernment.

Vyvi is a response to a deeply unsustainable society, a place where love, introspection and empathy have been marginalized. Thus has generated a widespread personal and social suffering, a deep lack of meaning and the continuous destruction of nature. The solutions proposed so far originate from the same state of consciousness, and therefore from the same philosophical and economic perspective which is at the root of the problem and are not working. We need to change perspective.

Vyvi is a vision and a concrete project aiming to bring new answers by combining parallel disciplines, such as ecology, human and social sciences as well as spirituality. Change is possible and becomes a reality if it embraces all the inner and outer dimensions of life.

The Method

Our behaviors and actions depend on the energy and awareness we have on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Multiple intelligences make human experiences possible, and it is in their balance that we can find effective answers to the events of our lives.

Access to higher intelligences such as empathy and compassion, creativity and vision allows us to move from a “Survival” mode, in which individual’s needs come before everyone or everything, to the “Flowering” mode, in which the personal good goes hand in hand with the collective good. In other words, it is the transition from an Egological dimension – we at the center of everything – to an Ecological one, where we understand the relationships of interdependence and reciprocity between all things and that every behavior has an impact on the ecosystem it belongs to.

Conscious sustainability is therefore essential to human sustainability, meant as the possibility of moving from mechanicalness to awareness. Understanding and integrating interiority, thus, becomes an effective method to rise to the challenges of the contemporary world.

Targets and Tools

By working for a more sustainable society, Vyvi has three targets:

Restoring a balance between human beings and nature,

Rediscovering and embodying the spiritual dimension of existence,

Depatriarchalizing society.

To do this, Vyvi identifies seven key areas to expand awareness through them:

  • Meditation
  • Art
  • Community
  • Deep Ecology
  • Sustainable lifestyles
  • Gender equality
  • Therapy and Healing

The activities proposed by Vyvi are connected to one or more key areas and all contribute to the development of a society in harmony with itself and with Nature.


The founder

We are Atimoda, Daniele and Shurta, we have always asked ourselves questions about the deep meaning of life without finding satisfactory answers in the common narrative. This led us to an inner exploration and meditation – making us meet many years ago – and together in 2020 we created Vyvi.

Atimoda Grazia Monge Roffarello

Atimoda Grazia Monge Roffarello

Graduated in literature and philosophy, she is a teacher, an expert in communication techniques and a therapist. Over the years, she has explored the world of Sufism, is trained as a subtle body healer at Essential Life Consulting and in tantric paths at the Maithuna Institute. She is a shaman of the heart and conducts seminars, trainings and individual sessions.
Daniele Marrale


Graduated in Nursing Sciences, he is a teacher, therapist and professional musician, as well as founder of the former Charaiveti Center for Personal Growth and Meditation. He conducts groups and seminars internationally, guiding people into spaces of silence and beauty. He has a unique ability to connect human beings and envisions an ever-larger Vyvi Community in the world.
Clara Shurta Mottura

Clara Shurta Mottura

Meditator and Forest Therapy Guide, she has been researching the interconnections between sustainability, gender equality and spirituality for years. She graduated in environmental policy at the London School of Economics and currently works at the United Nations. She is the project manager of the team. Her organizational skills allow Vyvi's vision to take shape.


Teresa Giusti

Social Media Manager and Communication Strategist, she has always loved the art of the word and was born as a Copywriter. Graduating in Social Innovation, New Technologies and Communication, she has been supporting Vyvi in the digital world since 2020.
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